Open up the Deliveree driver app, it will indicate that you need your Deliveree credentials (email address and password supplied by Delivery Tribe) to register. 

For security reasons, it is better to use the one-time code that you can get from the Deliveree Web page.


To register the device from the web, Go to the driver station (

Click the arrow on the top left-hand side. 

Then click on “Devices” 

You will then see be taken to the “Device Admin” page. 

Under the heading, click on the “+Register New Device” button. 

A pop-up will appear with a code. This code will be typed into the Driver app on the registration page. 

*This code is only valid for a specific period of time and can only be used to register ONE device. 

This code can then be typed in.  Click “Use one-time code”. Type in the code. Click “Register Device”  

If you need further assistance in registering your devices, please call support on 031 880 1602 (Select option one). or email [email protected] 

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