This report is for a manager to run at the end of a driver's shift.
It is for a specific day and a specific driver.
Here you are also able to see the Deliveree Driver ID (as seen on the Audit Logs and in the Audit report).
This change has been made so that the Auditing of invoices in Deliveree. This allows stores to see the ID under Current drivers and on the reports which Driver the number refers to.
Choose your date and the name of the driver, click "View".
Details for the day will be shown in blocks below the driver’s name.
From left to right, you will see:
- Total deliveries for the driver for that date
- The number of trips they did
- The number of hours the driver worked that day (This is based on the logins to Deliveree).
- The average number of orders the driver took per trip
- How many orders were not paid
- How many trips were in the wrong order
The same colour coding applies with all reports:
GREEN: On-time- delivered within 32 minutes.
ORANGE: 5 minutes late- delivered 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.
RED: Late- delivered later than 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.
BLACK: Not delivered
Scroll down to see driver exceptions:
This information allows the manager to address issues with the drivers. It will show any exceptions such as orders delivered out of order and unpaid orders.
Scroll down to see which device a driver logged into during the day and at what time.
Scroll down to see the summary of the payments by type. Cash, Online, with a Card or with a payment device such as a Pebble or PocketPos.
Scroll down to see the details of the deliveries.
Details include the order number, external identifier, customer, time of delivery, the status of delivery, whether the delivery was paid, and details of the payments.
All problem orders or orders not assigned will still show here, the status detail will show “order not processed” or “unassigned” for example.
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