This report will allow you to look at a weeks’ worth of information at a time. You can only see as far back as four weeks.
Click on the date:
Then select the week you want to view.
The report will then show information for the selected week. And it will look something like the image below:
From the top you will see (From left to right):
- Total number of deliveries that week
- Total number of orders delivered
- All outstanding deliveries (orders not marked delivered)
- The % of orders delivered
- The % of orders delivered on time
Below that you will see the on time % for the week at the top:
The same colour coding applies with all reports:
GREEN: On time- delivered within the 32 minutes.
ORANGE: 5 minutes late- delivered 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.
RED: Late- delivered later than 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.
BLACK: Not delivered
Below that you will see the Daily overview:
The number of orders will be shown on the left.
The day of the week will be shown at the bottom
In the example below, we see information for two days
Details are then shown for each day of the week where there is available data:
From the left to right, you will see the total number of deliveries, the % marked delivered, and then a bar showing the % of orders that were on time vs late.
Below that you will see a store overview. On the left you will see the names of the stores where the orders were placed (this applies only in a compo setup).
From the left to right, you will see the total number of deliveries, the % marked delivered and then a bar showing the % of orders that were on time vs late.
Below that, you will see the driver overview for the chosen week:
From the left, you will see the names of all drivers who worked and did deliveries that week:
You will see:
- Total orders assigned to the driver that week
- % Delivered
- Days worked
- Number of Trips
- Hours worked for that week.
Below that you will see the on-time % for the individual drivers for the week:
For additional training on reports, please contact [email protected]
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