The number of Active devices on Deliveree will impact store license limits.

Restaurants have a set limit of devices they can use. Devices that are broken/ were stolen or have been lost should be marked as INACTIVE on Deliveree. 

Step1: login to Deliveree. 

Step 2: Click the dropdown arrow on the upper left-hand side of the screen. 

Step 3: From the dropdown menu select DEVICES.

Step 4: The Device Admin page will be pictured as below. On the left at the top, you will see buttons for viewing “INACTIVE DEVICES” and to “REGISTER NEW DEVICE”. 

Active registered devises will be shown. 


On the right-hand side, there is an option to EDIT as well as an option to view device INFO.

Step 5: To deactivate a device (to increase the license limit), select EDIT.

Step 6: Device details will be shown and there will be options to UPDATE DEVICE information or to MAKE DEVICE INACTIVE. Select "Make Device Inactive".

Follow the link below to the YouTube Video: 

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