Reports are vital as they assist the Administrators/Managers/Operators in gathering information that will assist them in better managing their Drivers and Delivery services. By understanding the information the system provides, Administrators/Managers/Operators can make the necessary operational changes that will improve the customer’s experience. 

For a detailed view of each report, check out the Quick Guides for reports:


To access reports: From the driver station, you will be able to logon and all reports. Follow the steps below:


Step1: login to Deliveree.

The Deliveree API will open up on The Client Dashboard as pictured below:


Step 2: Click the dropdown arrow on the upper left-hand side of the screen. 




Step 3: From the dropdown menu select REPORTS.





There are four report categories on Deliveree:

  1. Deliveries reports
  2. Driver Reports
  3. Payments Reports
  4. Summary Reports


 Step 4: To select any report, you will click on the blue block. 

Attached is the full user guide that explains each report in detail- please think of the planet before printing.

For additional training on how to generate and understand the reports,  please e-mail [email protected].

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