All restaurants that currently use AURA will need to add their drivers to their AURA Backoffice.
The same password that is used in AURA is used to log in to the Deliveree Driver App.
On the Server computer, open Back office:
To open BackOffice, the manager will need to input their password.
Go to Lists> Employees>Employees
Select + to add a new Driver:
Ensure you add in the Employee numbers in line with the sequence currently on BackOffice. Ie 007, 008, 009 etc.
Add in the Driver’s name and surname. Ensure the name and surname is written in upper and lover case, starting with a Capital letter.
Select the “Next” Button.
Ensure that the Employee Category is set to “Driver”
Make sure you tick the block that states “Does Deliveries”.
Select “Set Password”. (This is the password the driver will use to log in to the driver app).
The driver will now show under the Employees List.
Select Lists> Employees> Sync Driver with Deliveree.
This will Synchronize the AURA drivers to Deliveree.
A new Tab will open.
You will see options to “Sync all drivers” and “Update Driver Passwords”.
On the left you will see a list of all AURA drivers.
On the right you will see remote drivers (the AURA employee ID will show next to the Remote drivers, this indicates the Driver was created in AURA and is synchronised to AURA).
Your newly created driver will be on the left and will also show on the Right (see below).
Select Sync all Drivers if the AURA driver is not listed under the Remote drivers list as well.
This should all happen organically and if you see any errors, contact support on 031 880 1602.
For more guidance and training for AURA, Please email [email protected]
Follow the link below to the YouTube tutorial:
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