The Dashboard:

The attached supporting documentation as well as the video tutorial below will assist users in navigating the Deliveree Dashboard.

There is value in having an overview of the restaurant’s performance on a comprehensive Dashboard.

The idea for the dashboard is to answer 2 important questions:

•             How we are doing today?

•             Is that better or worse than we usually do?

Improvements have been made to the dashboard that will allow Managers/Deliveree Operators and Franchisees to have a quick, concise, and color-coded overview of:

  • The number of SIM Cards- Active and part of the monthly billing.
  • Total Deliveries.
  • The Percentage of orders Delivered.
  • How many Drivers are logged in today.
  • Outstanding Deliveries.
  • The average number of orders being taken by the driver every trip.


Below is the full-screen view of the new dashboard. When you log in, this will be your home screen.

From any other page, to go back to this screen, you can either click   or you can click

 on the top left-hand side.


Filter by date:

On the top left of the dashboard, there is a date displayed, the default is set to today’s date. You can filter by date and go back in time to assess trends.




Active and In-use:

On the top right- hand side of the Dashboard, you will see Drivers, Devices and SIM cards. 

In each block you will see the labels- “Active” and “in use”

“Active”- The number of drivers/devices/ SIM cards that are registered to the restaurant and are marked as active.

"In Use" - The number of drivers/devices/ SIM cards used/logged in in the last 14 days.



To view the details, click  and you will be taken to the admin page for either the Driver/Devices/SIM Cards.


Deliveries today:

In the middle of the dashboard at the top, you will see details about the deliveries today. 



From left to right you will see:

  1. Total Deliveries for the day
  2. Of the total deliveries, the Percentage Delivered
  3. The number of drivers logged in (to the Deliveree Driver App).
  4. How many outstanding orders there are (orders NOT delivered).
  5. The average number of orders being taken by driver every hour.


Delivery Time:

Because the dashboard is being compared to the reports, the dashboard chart matches the reports and uses the same on time/within 5/late metrics that the report uses.

On time colour coding is as follows:

GREENOn time- delivered within the 32 minutes.

ORANGE5 minutes late- delivered 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.

REDLate- delivered later than 5 minutes after the 32 minutes.

On the left-hand side, you will see the delivery timing for today.

On the right-hand side, you will see the delivery timing over the last 14 days.

Averages Today:

On the left-hand side, you will see the delivery timing for today.

At the top of the block marked “Today” you will see the timing bar (refer to the previous page for detail on the colour-coding).

The bar-graph will show orders by time (at the bottom of the bar graph). This is using 24 hour timing, so in the example below (from the left) ; 13 is 13h00 (1pm); 14 is 14h00 (2pm); 15 is 15h00 (3pm).

On the left side of the bar graph, it shows the number of orders. 

At the bottom of the block labelled “today,” you will see (from the left) Average delivery time, Average drive time and the average number of orders taken per trip. 

*A trip is from when a driver leaves the restaurant, to when they return, there can be multiple orders taken in one trip

Averages over the last 14 days:

On the right-hand side, you will see the delivery timing over the last 14 days.

The bar-graph will show orders by date (at the bottom of the bar graph).The format shows the month first and then the day, so in the example below (from the left) ; 02-06 is the 6th of February; 02-07 is the 7th of January, etc.


On the left side of the bar graph, it shows the number of orders. 


At the bottom of the block labelled “14 days” you will see (from the left) Average delivery time, Average drive time and the average number of orders taken per trip (all over the last 2 weeks). 

*A trip is from when a driver leaves the restaurant, to when they return, there can be multiple orders taken in one trip.

Support Chat from the Dashboard:

On the bottom right-hand side, you will see the chat option.


By clicking on this icon,  you will open a list of help options that will give you access to chat to our support team.


The options that are available are:

1. Chat with Delivery Tribe Support.

2. Get help for the Deliveree driver app.

3. Log account queries.


Selecting a store

The store/brand can be chosen by clicking on the user dropdown in the header. This will show the current selection:


Clicking on the store line will show all the stores for the client and an option for to Show All Stores.

When a brand has been chosen, the brand is displayed in the header:



Here you will also see billing information for the month and you can log out.




Here you will see the bill for the month that shows each line item and the total cost. 




Here you can remove the driver’s ability to assign an order to themselves.

By ticking the box, you prevent drivers from assigning an order to themselves and only the manager can then assign orders. 




For any additional questions: email [email protected] or call 031 880 1602.

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We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions so that we can improve our training material. Please follow the link and provide us with feedback: