Delivery Tribe has partnered with Cosoft in order to provide Driver Station hardware to our customers.
As part of the sign-up process, Restaurant/Store owners can opt-in for having the Cosoft Hardware installed F.O.H (Front of House).
These hardware items will be ordered when filling out the sign-up link and Cosoft will send a separate quote for the Hardware, Callout, and labor.
You can sign up here:
The Driver Station is made up of the following Hardware:
- Screen (24inch monitor)
- Keyboard and mouse
- Brackets to mount the screen to the wall.
- 2x4 Trunking
- Raspberry Pi and charger
- Wi-Fi Extender
- SIM Cards (Using the Cosoft APN).
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing
The Pi is mounted to the back of the Screen so that the installation looks neater.
Important note: Stores must use the Raspberry Pi power cable and no other cable should be used. The Pi power cable has a specific output, if the store uses any other make, they may damage the Pi. See below:
For more info on the Raspberry Pi, please visit:
A WIFI Extender is also installed to ensure that there is sufficient Wifi coverage for the Driver's devices when setting up the Driver App and also in the event that the drivers need to update software or get software support. It allows for multiple devices to be connected at the same time.
*Please communicate with YOUR Brand head office to find out if Cosoft-specific hardware is compulsory or not.
For any questions about Cosoft Hardware Costs, please email